Dramm's Syphonject plastic siphon mixer draws a concentrated solution from a bucket through a flexible suction tube and then dilutes it with the passing water stream at an approximate ration of 20 parts water to 1 part concentrated solution.
Our 20:1 ratio feeder syphons solution using a pressure drop created by the passing stream of water. The Syphonject is made from glass filled polypropylene and is very durable as well as corrosion resistant. An external check valve ensures that water does not fill the solution source and is easy to replace. The Syphonject is perfect for fertilizing and cleaning.
The Syphonject has a GPM of 7 at 40 PSI and a product weight of 8 oz.
CAUTION! Do not use the Syphonject to apply pesticides, fungicides or poisons. Do not drink from a hose that has had fertilizers, chemicals or any other solutions through them. Follow all manufacturer's recommendations. Detach the Syphonject from your faucet after use.