With 1 in. Scarlet Globe heads and white tips, this radish looks more like a miniature turnip! This radish has a crisp, crunchy, spicy flavor. Eat fresh in a salad or slow-roast it to bring out a tender, rich and sweet flavor.
Planting Information:
When and Where to Plant: Sow seed in early spring as soon as ground can be worked. Cultivate soil and enrich with a vegetable food and organic matter. Make successive plantings every 2 weeks, except during hot weather. Sow seed sparingly, firming soil over row.
Care: Keep soil moist and free of weeds. Protect from insects.
Harvesting: Pull when young and tender.
Seed Variety: Organic Radish, Sparkler White Tip
Germination Time: 7 - 14 Days
Days to Maturity: 20 - 50 Days
Planting Depth: 1/4 in.
Seed Spacing: 1/2 in. - 1 in.
Spacing Between Rows: 6 in. - 12 in.
Space After Thinning: 1 in. - 2 in.
Light Requirements: Full Sun