This compact plant yields tender, blue-green, crinkled leaves topped with a rosette of attractive, light green, frilly leaves. Very tolerant to cooler temperatures. Harvest during the cool weather of spring and fall for the tastiest crops. Perfect mixed with other greens in salads, as cooked greens, in stews or as a garnish.
Planting Information:
When and Where to Plant: Select sunny location and sow seed in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked. Plant again in late July and August for fall and winter harvest. For best results, loosen soil with spade or fork, fertilize and smooth with rake. Firm soil over seed.
Care: Keep soil moist, weed free and feed every 4-6 weeks.
Harvesting: Pick youngest leaves for fresh use in salads and sandwiches or harvest the tender fully grown leaves starting from the bottom of the plant.
Seed Variety: Kale, Vates Blue Curled Scotch
Germination Time: 5 - 14 Days
Days to Maturity: 55 - 70 Days
Planting Depth: 1/4 in. - 1/2 in.
Seed Spacing: 2 in.
Spacing Between Rows: 24 in.
Space After Thinning: 12 in. - 18 in.
Light Requirements: Full Sun